The only way to effectively protect the assets of your business is to carry adequate commercial general liability (CGL) insurance coverage. CGL protects your business from damages caused by bodily injury or property damage for which your business is found to be legally liable.

Workers’ compensation coverage pays benefits to workers injured on the job, including medical care, part of lost wages and permanent disability. It also provides death benefits to dependents of employees killed from a work-related accident. Workers’ compensation systems are different in every state.

When it comes to running a business, vehicles—whether they’re leased, rented or owned—are crucial for a variety of tasks. Whether transporting materials and tools to worksites, hauling goods for deliveries or driving to meet clients—companies of all kinds rely on safe and functioning vehicles.

From the moment that you start the pre-hiring process until the exit interview, you are vulnerable to an employment-related lawsuit. As a result, your business should take a hard look at whether it can afford to defend itself against alleged wrongful employment practices accusations.